Why Choose Us?
Since 2008 BHC Training has been a leader in the field for online training to Providers of Addiction Services. Since our inception we have provided training to over 10,000 behavioral health care professionals and para professionals. Our system is user friendly and geared towards the special training needs of individuals and companies in the Behavioral Health Industry. Our students are chemical dependency professionals, social workers, professional counselors, family therapists, nurses, doctors, and a variety of paraprofessionals from direct care staff to maintenance workers. Our course content is developed and delivered to meet anyone’s learning needs and preferences. Our students can log on from anywhere at any time on any device.
How Are We Different From Our Competitors?
Let’s be honest, in many ways most of the LMS companies out there are all alike. Most LMS companies use the same technology to provide platforms and content libraries. Some companies have lots of “bells and whistles”, or what is commonly referred to as “add-ons.” From a technology standpoint, there is not a whole lot of difference. Often when companies are looking for an LMS solution, they find this fact overwhelming and at times confusing. We hear “Who should I choose?” daily. When you set the technology issue aside, the real question becomes “What company gives my organization what we need for the best price point?” Many LMS companies have great marketing. They show you a flashy demo, a large content library, then tell you how easily and quickly they can get you “set-up”. They may even promise to be there through the whole process providing support and “holding you hand.” We have found that sometimes this works out, and sometimes it doesn’t.
BHC Training was created for this very reason. Our founder and developer, Rhonda G. Patrick, LCSW, MPA, has worked in the Behavioral Healthcare field for 25 years. Rhonda’s diverse work in government, the public sector, and the corporate world has helped to give her insight on how to best benefit our clients.
While working as regulatory agent, Rhonda found that individuals and facilities were frequently delinquent in training, often resulting in negative reports and institutional fines. As a business woman overseeing her own Behavioral Health non-profit organization, she knew that meeting the demands related to training was a time consuming and costly process.
BHC Training was created for this very reason. Our founder and developer, Rhonda G. Patrick, LCSW, MPA, has worked in the Behavioral Healthcare field for 25 years. Rhonda’s diverse work in government, the public sector, and the corporate world has helped to give her insight on how to best benefit our clients.
While working as regulatory agent, Rhonda found that individuals and facilities were frequently delinquent in training, often resulting in negative reports and institutional fines. As a business woman overseeing her own Behavioral Health non-profit organization, she knew that meeting the demands related to training was a time consuming and costly process.
When Rhonda started looking for a training solution via online training, she found an extreme deficit in availability and quality. It was this discovery that drove her to create her own LMS with relevant content to share it with her colleagues at a fraction of the cost. The mission and vision of BHC Training is to provide access to quality training in the Behavioral Healthcare industry, improve the competency of employees thus improving the quality patient care. We do all of this while meeting regulatory and accreditation requirements. Best of all, we do it at an affordable and manageable cost to the users.
So HOW are we different?
We are one of you, part of your industry (all of our staff and content developer work as clinical and administrative professionals in the industry), and we understand what you need to be successful.
What Is My Return On Investment (ROI)?
Initial and Long Term Monetary Costs.
It is proven that you save money with online training. With BHC Training you save money in initial set-up as we are about 1/3 of the costs of our competitors. This means that over the long-term you save money. The average annual cost for a 100 employee agency is about $7,500 a year. When you think about the monetary costs just to provide the required regulatory and accreditation training “in-house” those can run upwards of $15,000 a year with time, travel, staff turnover, etc. With BHC Training we eliminate a lot of those costs. In turn that frees up your training dollars to offer enhanced training opportunities inside and outside your organization, and those funds can now go to improve clinical competency or organizational functioning. Wouldn’t it be great to have training money to bring in clinical experts to provide enhanced training opportunities to your staff? What if you could send your staff to national conferences (which is great marketing exposure) for professional development? The money you save with online training can be used in ways that enhance your workforce and make you a leader in the Behavioral Healthcare industry.
Initial and Long Term Monetary Costs.
It is proven that you save money with online training. With BHC Training you save money in initial set-up as we are about 1/3 of the costs of our competitors. This means that over the long-term you save money. The average annual cost for a 100 employee agency is about $7,500 a year. When you think about the monetary costs just to provide the required regulatory and accreditation training “in-house” those can run upwards of $15,000 a year with time, travel, staff turnover, etc. With BHC Training we eliminate a lot of those costs. In turn that frees up your training dollars to offer enhanced training opportunities inside and outside your organization, and those funds can now go to improve clinical competency or organizational functioning. Wouldn’t it be great to have training money to bring in clinical experts to provide enhanced training opportunities to your staff? What if you could send your staff to national conferences (which is great marketing exposure) for professional development? The money you save with online training can be used in ways that enhance your workforce and make you a leader in the Behavioral Healthcare industry.
Improved Patient/Client Outcome.
Let’s be clear, online training should not be your only vehicle for training. Training serves more purposes than just meeting the regular requirements of providing basic information to your employees. There are many academic and industry articles about the importance and value of training. Training is the one function of the organization that begins as soon as you employee a person, and that training continues through the course of their time with you. The content and delivery of training tells people who you are, what you do, what your organizational values are, and what you expect from them. Training is where you communicate you organizational culture and expectations. Online training, paired with face-to-face interaction, ongoing clinical supervision and mentorship, and exposure to other professional training delivers a message. That message is that your client’s well-being and satisfaction is paramount, and you, as an organization, value the employee’s contribution to that outcome.
Improved Patient/Client Outcome.
Let’s be clear, online training should not be your only vehicle for training. Training serves more purposes than just meeting the regular requirements of providing basic information to your employees. There are many academic and industry articles about the importance and value of training. Training is the one function of the organization that begins as soon as you employee a person, and that training continues through the course of their time with you. The content and delivery of training tells people who you are, what you do, what your organizational values are, and what you expect from them. Training is where you communicate you organizational culture and expectations. Online training, paired with face-to-face interaction, ongoing clinical supervision and mentorship, and exposure to other professional training delivers a message. That message is that your client’s well-being and satisfaction is paramount, and you, as an organization, value the employee’s contribution to that outcome.
We Are An Industry Leader.
We all want to be an industry leader. The good news is that there is room for all of us. At BHC Training we believe that being a leader means clearly defining what principles you operate by as a service organization, or individual profession, and you uphold those principles daily. What makes our organization a leader is our workforce and the image our workforce projects. Do we appear caring, knowledgeable in our craft? Do we operate with virtue? It is these things that make an industry leader, and quality training is the foundation for delivering these principles.
We Are An Industry Leader.
We all want to be an industry leader. The good news is that there is room for all of us. At BHC Training we believe that being a leader means clearly defining what principles you operate by as a service organization, or individual profession, and you uphold those principles daily. What makes our organization a leader is our workforce and the image our workforce projects. Do we appear caring, knowledgeable in our craft? Do we operate with virtue? It is these things that make an industry leader, and quality training is the foundation for delivering these principles.
So What Is My Return On Investment?
We can’t tell you that, as it is different for every company and every individual.
This is a calculation only you can decide.
This is a calculation only you can decide.